Roar AdX and 3P Media facilitate exclusive training sessions for Unilever Sri Lanka at Meta and Google Regional Offices in Singapore

Roar Global
May 15, 2024

Last week, Unilever Sri Lanka, accompanied by key members of the Roar AdX and 3P Media teams, embarked on an important visit to the regional headquarters of Meta and Google in Singapore. This visit marked a significant milestone in Roar Global’s mission to help the most influential brands in the APAC Region to harness the full potential of digital advertising by offering platform expertise and access to the best marketing knowledge and insights. Learn more about our services offered by Roar AdX and 3P Media.

It was a great learning experience at the Google Singapore office where we were able to understand the new platform advancement, importance of data for personalized retargeting and also the reiterated need for marketers to track performance. It also help further our relationship with 3P Media and establish stronger collaboration for the future.
- Raviraj, Praviinaa - Category Head, Hair Care - Unilever Sri Lanka 

In the first segment of the visit, Roar AdX and Meta's marketing experts led a series of immersive sessions focused on honing Unilever's advertising strategies. A deep dive into the Unilever x Meta Joint Business Plan (JBP) unveiled tried-and-tested strategies for crafting compelling narratives on Meta platforms. Storytelling, when done well, is not just about the message but how it's conveyed, resonating with audiences in a way that's both engaging and authentic. This workshop proved immensely beneficial for Unilever, with its extensive Sri Lankan portfolio boasting 30 consumer brands and a vast reach spanning millions through multiple channels.

The next session shed light on commercial solutions available through Meta, emphasizing the importance of creator collaborations and the development of brand scorecards. These scorecards are vital tools for monitoring the progress of a brand's communication endeavours on Meta platforms, allowing for real-time adjustments and strategic pivots to maximize impact.

3P Media, leveraging Google's expertise, tailored sessions that provided insights into the latest Google and YouTube Ads updates. The focus on YouTube Ads and the strategic use of first-party data in light of the impending deprecation of cookies prepared Unilever for a future where privacy and personalization go hand in hand. The planning session that followed was a brainstorm, where both teams were able to fine-tune Unilever's marketing strategy for the months ahead.

The visit was more than a series of meetings; it included engaging tours of the Meta and Google HQs, adding an element of fun to the experience. The tours were also a reminder of the innovative cultures that have propelled these platforms to the forefront of the digital age.

Unilever is a longstanding partner of Roar Global, and this visit was a valuable opportunity for Roar AdX, 3P Media, and Unilever to strengthen their collaborative efforts and work dynamics. At Roar Global, representing global digital giants as their official media resellers and empowering top-tier brands in mastering the art of advertising is an honour. 

Through strategic consultation and customized training sessions, our teams are committed to elevating the region’s advertising game to new heights, ensuring that brands like Unilever continue to thrive in the digital ecosystem.

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